Through one-on-one weekly support meetings, our tobacco treatment specialist will help you explore your options and resources, then provide encouragement and support through every step of the quitting process. Offered via phone and in person, the program is nonjudgemental and founded on the awareness that quitting is an individual experience built on a series of small triumphs over tobacco. Free resources are provided, including nicotine patches, gum, lozenges and more.
For information contact Stephanie Jenkins, RN, at 410-777-2480 or
No person shall use tobacco, tobacco product(s), and/or tobacco substitute(s) on any property owned, operated, leased, or managed by Anne Arundel Community College, including, but not limited to, buildings, parking lots, college-owned vehicles, fields/lawns and venues rented or controlled for college-sponsored activities. This policy further prohibits the promotion, marketing, advertising, sampling, distribution, or sale of the tobacco products and substitutes listed below by any person or company on any of the college properties described above.
This policy applies to all forms of tobacco, tobacco products, tobacco substitutes and tobacco delivery devices. Prohibited products and devices include all tobacco-derived or containing products or substitutes, including, but not limited to, the following:
Anne Arundel County Department of Health Learn to Live
Maryland Tobacco Quit Line/ Maryland Smoking Stops Here Cancer Institute